A review by philyra91
Beauty's Punishment, by Anne Rice, A.N. Roquelaure


I'm honestly not sure what I'm reading anymore. The writing is very eloquent, elegant even, and I suppose that's one of the reasons why Anne Rice is one of the most beloved writers of our time. However, I can't say I've enjoyed this book. The BDSM scenes are just getting way too brutal and they were definitely out of my comfort zone.

Another aspect of this book I had some trouble with was Tristan's POV. Some of the chapters are written from his POV and I didn't understand the logic behind it. This is supposed to be Beauty's story and if alternate POVs are needed, they should be in a way that they further the story. I didn't feel that this was the case. It felt like Tristan's chapters were just another way to dump more BDSM torture on her readers.

This is no longer a re-telling of a fairy tale. I think it's safe to say that from chapter 2 in Book 1, it no longer became a re-telling and was more of a stand-alone trilogy. I'd most probably read Book 3, but just to see what happens to Beauty in the end.