A review by bookishmadness
Crewel by Gennifer Albin


What it's about: Adelice has the amazing talents of a Spinster. When she passes her test and gets taken away, she begins to realise that her parents were protecting her for a reason - and all is not what it seems.

What I thought: Crewel is original and unique - keeping me on the edge of my seat. I wanted to learn so much and all information was slowly revealed to the reader. Adelice, while sometime was annoying, was a brave and strong character. Jost, the love interest, was charming yet kind. The story, while sometime feel tedious, held my interest the whole way and left me begging for more.

The Good: The whole idea of 'weaving' and Spinsters had me seriously intrigued! Plus this is like fantasy cross Dystopian - awesome!

The Bad: I felt like some of the parts dragged on more than necessary.

Rating: 4 Bookstacks