A review by user613
Red Rope of Fate by K.M. Shea


This was a cute read. The characters were nice, the worldbuilding was interesting, and the romance sweet, if a bit abrupt.
A red string of fate. It’s elvish lore: a red string ties together two people who are fated to be close friends.

Tari is an elf magically bonded to a human, Arion. However, they're different than most bonded pairs. First of all, Tari is female and Arion is male. And, secondly, their connection goes deeper than most. They understand each other, though they each speak a different language. They even feel each others' emotions.

In the king’s words: "You two are more mythical than a pair of unicorns."

SpoilerAnd, since Tari is female and Arion is male, what would be more natural than for the two to fall in love and get married?

It’s not so simple as that, of course. First, they fall in love, without realizing it. Then, each independently, realizes they fell in love with the other but that their love is one sided and they could never be together.
Because, naturally, elves are more reserved than humans, so Arion has no idea that Tari feels anything for him. And, humans have completely different ways of courting so Tari is sure that Arion doesn’t care for her.
And then, once they’re both in love with each other, and before they think to communicate their feelings, Tari decides that she needs to leave Arion for his own sake, to protect him. True, in their prior conversations he mentioned he didn’t want to leave, but Tari knows better than to believe him. So, she starts to leave, makes a big mess of everything, and needs to be rescued by Arion. Who, thankfully, is there to save her.
And then, they finally sit down to speak about their feelings for each other. Arion and Tari understand that the feelings are mutual, and they decide to get married. Simple as that. Both kings agree. And they live happily ever after.
Completely ignoring the fact it’s completely not accepted for elves to marry humans. They’re a legendary pair anyhow, who cares if they have to break one more convention to live happily together?

The world itself is interesting, with many details and intricacies. It was all very confusing at first, though. There were names, customs and kings mentioned all at once, and I couldn’t keep track of any of it.
SpoilerThere are also some the details I had a hard time accepting.
Such as how Tari is only twenty five but already a completely unbeatable, legendary warrior.
And, how humans and elves share a bond, though they really can’t communicate with each other. And how easily Tari learned to speak Calnoric, thanks to their magical bond.
And, how easy it is for Tari and Arion to get permission to marry, despite the complications between both races, and despite how it’s never done.

Small details aside, this was a cute, sweet, clean fantasy romance. Recommended for fans of elf-human romances who love details magically working out.

Content Warnings
There’s some flirting, and kissing.
Tari, a female elf, is bound to Captain Arion, a male human. It’s very uncommon for this to happen, where one of the pair is male and the other is female.
Tari, and the entire elven race, are apparently completely innocent. There are many mentions of situations being improper (such as a guard sleeping inside her room), and of people questioning Tari’s reputation (because of her close relationship with Captain Arion), and Tari doesn’t understand why. Elves touch freely (innocent hugs, hand holding etc.) and never suspect anything of any elf. And they don’t even think of kissing before marriage.
Tari and Arion slowly fall in love, and Tari is confused by the whole process. She feels that Arion is holding back a few times but doesn’t know why she feels this. She’s not sure what his gestures that are innocent in her society mean to him (such as kissing her forehead), yet we also see her noticing him, and being aware that she’s slowly falling in love with him. They embrace a few times, and she rests her head on his warm chest, and relaxes. Tari is injured a few times, and Arion carries her. They also kiss a few times.

Tari is part of an elite group of elves trained to be an assassin. There’s some fighting, and a duel where Tari nearly kills a man and Arion stops her.

Tari is one of the Lower Elves, her ancestors born of a Higher Elf and a human. Higher Elves are thought to only be a legend by humans, though the Lower Elves know they will return one day and are training people like Tari to fight them away. She can use magic.
Tari learns drinking songs, and in one scene she challenges soldiers to outdrink her, and beats all the men who try it.
Tari’s teacher refers to human Arion as a dog.