A review by jan35104974
A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee


Above all, the book's front cover is startling. The shading range complements the book's theme beautifully. From the birds and moon to the islands and the weapons the two heroes wield, I like every detail. Furthermore, the vessels that are covered by this cover must not be overlooked.

When I see Anh and Xiang in my mind, I think of them as amazing people. On my shelf, A Clash Of Steel would stand prominent due to its amazing cover. The book cover is, on the whole, a 10/10.

When it comes to novels about privateers, I'm looking for riches, battle scenes, and everything else you can provide me to satisfy my desire for privateers and action. Beginning with the first 100 pages of the novel, I felt slowed down by personal acquaintances before finally meeting Canton. I prefer fast-paced books, and this one was a touch too slow-paced for my liking. However, I quickly became invested in Xiang and her perceptions of other people.

overall I give this book 4 stars :)