A review by cheryl6of8
Adult Children of Alcoholics: Expanded Edition by Janet G. Woititz


Yesterday, while leaving my internship, I passed a Little Free Library and glanced inside out of curiosity. I actually kept walking and then turned around to claim this book because one of my counseling clients is an Adult Child of Alcoholics. I thought the book might provide some insight.

I opened the book just to peek at it and see if it was actually readable and got sucked in. The psychology is sound based on my training and the writing style is simple and direct. It addresses itself to Adult Children of Alcoholics instead of to clinicians or substance abuse professionals and has a level of intimate understanding that is quite effective. This updated version of the original book is nearly 40 years old but is still very much on point. I would recommend it to anyone who deals with Adult Children of Alcoholics or is a member of the group. This will go on my permanent shelf for use in my future professional life.