A review by namelikescrabble
Priestess of the White by Trudi Canavan


My thoughts on this book are mixed.

The good first: This book had many good points. The characters were engaging, particularly the protagonist, Auraya, and Leiard. The author took (in my opinion) a new tack on the genre of high fantasy, blending human affairs with the imaginary. Lastly, it was very, very readable and had that "un-put-downable" quality that I have found lacking in other books of its kind.

And the not so good: There were a number of clichés played out in this book that I found irritating. The less than virtuous priest, the forbidden lovers... I'd go further, only I'd spoil the plot.
The lack of a clear evil force bothered me. As in Lord of the Rings, the force of evil in the world of "Priestess of the White" is a faceless, destructive army, in this case known as Pentadrians. Yet, there doesn't seem to be any clear motive, or intent, other than to cause havoc...

Despite these reservations, I will most likely seek out the rest of them.