A review by kendallthefire
The Contract by Melanie Moreland


The contract is about a man who needs to fake a relationship to show that he has changed and earn a job at this prestigious marketing firm. Richard is a dick and Katy is his sweet saving grace for getting this job because the boss who is hiring, Graham Gavin, is a family man at heart and needs to know that richards loose ways are behind him. somehow not only do they end up in a fake relationship... They end up officially married to keep the lie going. After learning about each others pasts and acting like they were in a real living relationship all the time things started to change and they fell in love with each other. Obviously the plot line is far fetched but I sought this out. I wanted to read a fake relationship turn real relationship kind of book. So that is not why I gave it such a low score. The low score was because Oh my gosh it was so cheesy and ridiculous. I couldn't handle it. It had good parts but most of the time I wanted to vomit. The writing was so formal and robotic. He would call her sweetheart and she would call him my darling and I would roll my eyes half out of their sockets everytime. Also, Its supposed to be a dual point of view book but Moreland only decided to give us katys perspective when it's convenient. I honestly think there were only about 2 sections that were her point of view and then mid chapter they changed back to richards. So really there was absolutely no point in her have it be two points of view. At the top of each chapter it would say Richard but there was no point in the distinction. It was obviously going to be from richards pov.
1.8-2 stars