A review by howardgo
Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World by Bruce Schneier


This book is a great primer on the types of issues that we face with internet technology becoming embedded in everything. It explains them at a level the average person can understand as well as exploring some ways to approach resolve those issues. The key to the situation is openness and asking the right questions. This book is a springboard to asking the right questions so we can get to better answers.

Some quotes from the book--

On why we should not allow even law enforcement to have so-called "backdoors":
"Imagine that every house could be opened with a master key, and this was known to the criminals. Fixing those locks would also mean that criminals' safe houses would be more secure, but it's pretty clear that this downside would be worth the trade-off of protecting everyone's house."

"Just as we don't think about road rage and car bombs in the same way, even though they both involve cars, we can't treat all cyber threats the in the same way. I don't think US policy makers understand that yet, but they'll need to if we want them to act reasonably and responsibly."

"...we are much more likely to engineer our way out of the problems we face than we are to restrict our way out of them."

"Despite the pessimistic tone of much of this book, I am optimistic about cybersecurity in the long term. Eventually, we will solve this."

"...the mutual distrust between government and tech companies--is dangerous...."