A review by scrollsofdragons
A Line in the Dark by Malinda Lo



The shift in narration was weird, I loved the interviews but hated the switch from first to third with the same person. If you're introducing third person I expect to see other point of views but switching the only narration from one tense to the other is just off.

I couldn't really connect with Jess, like she takes creepy and obsessive up to another level. And I thought that would have played out differently but it didn't. It started off really well with the best friend you're in love with falling for this girl who you see is bad news and I thought Margot was going to be a real villain in this and Angie wouldn't see it coming so Jess was the one protecting her even if it destroyed their friendship, that is what I thought would go down but Margot wasn't pushed to her full potential of being a villain which was disappointing. Seems she really did care for Angie in the end since she took the rap for her so not what I was expecting but not a ending I disliked by any means.

That being said, I thought it was an alright book and it did keep my attention. Plus I really liked the comic Jess was creating, without that this probably would have been rated lower. I do think considering the fantasy element was the best, maybe the author excels more in that department for me personally.