A review by writingwwolves
Another Kind Of Magic by Elizabeth Davies


My emotions are truly all over the place after finishing this book, & the series it is part of; after reading the author’s note I’m smiling, but I’m heartbroken that Caitlyn’s story is over & I feel such an urge to read the books all over again (but this time in paperback, because BOOKS).

Despite my heartbreak at the end of the series, I must admit that Another Kind of Magic was an incredible way to end my favourite series of the year & I congratulate Elizabeth on her work. I had several ideas about what this other kind of magic could be, but never did I think up what actually happened. I could very easily write my entire review now, but alas I must sleep, so I will write it in the morning. I can only pray that I’m able to put my feelings into words.

⚠️ This book contains violence, scenes of a sexual nature, suicidal feelings & a suicide attempt ⚠️

I was sent this book in return for an honest review as part of a blog tour

Extended Review: https://wp.me/p8MbIo-2Ej