A review by jlynnelseauthor
Eloia Born by Britta Jensen


I purchased this book at the Twin Cities book festival from the author. Finally, months later, I've taken the plunge.

Overall, "Eloia Born" is a compelling read set in a diverse world with varied characters and adorable animal companions. After our two main characters are expelled from their home, they go on a journey of discovery and growth, down a path neither one of them expects. Jensen explores the way adversity can alter people for good and ill. I enjoyed exploring the various landscapes and how the characters learned about themselves with each encounter.

While most often, things were described very well, there were other times I just couldn't picture what was happening. The first land, Asanis, could have used further development. Everywhere else in the book, the landscape and society were beautifully described. Asanis I couldn't picture beyond trees and some water. Was it a forest arising out of a lake? Because there seemed to be swimming around large trees. The movement in the first section was confusing.

Some of the fight scenes didn't come across clearly. For instance, if there are warriors pointing spears at me, I find the likelihood of grabbing a spear out of one of the warrior's hand and defending myself against multiple attackers highly unlikely. So there were a few parts I had trouble suspending disbelief.

That being said, I enjoyed the diversity and adventure "Elois Born" offers up. It was a compelling read with a unique world and intriguing characters who suffer from various forms of disability. Plus, I definitely want my own gwynbee--can that be in the next marketing campaign? Recommended. I'd read more from this author!