A review by silverbook
Twelve Long Months by Brian Malloy


I am thrilled that there are more books for young adults and teens with gay characters. I hope the amount keeps growing and that books address all types of issues with being gay (or being related to someone who's gay or being friends with someone who's gay, etc).
I understand that this book wants to take the perspective of the girl who finds out her biggest crush is gay and how she reconciles herself to him, but it just falls short from a girl perspective. In the beginning of the story, I love Molly. Her voice is real. Then, she happens too fast. She loses any endearing quality that made her unique and gets shoved into a stereotypical mold--she doesn't sound real to me anymore. I did like when she went back home for winter break--I felt her again. But the New York Molly--just didn't buy it. I longed for an alternating view point. Mark, Simon, Lily, Jessie--a differing view to give Molly's more life.
I'd still read more of Brian Malloy. I want to read The Year of Ice just from the reviews I've read.