A review by inwonderland49
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins


Originally posted on In Wonderland (http://stephwonderland.blogspot.com/2012/10/hex-hall-review.html)

I am a huge fan of witches, whether it be in books or movies or TV shows. My favorite witch-y show was Bewitched. So when I won this book through a giveaway, I was super excited to read it because I hadn't read a witch book in quite some time. I've always wanted to be a witch. Where I could just snap my fingers and manifest anything that I ever wanted. You know like Sabrina or Samantha (from Bewitched). So, you can tell that I was really excited to read this book and thankfully, the excitement never ended.

So why did I love this book so much, you ask? Well, for one, witches. However, I liked the characters, the plot, the writing, and so much more.

I absolutely fell in love with the main character, Sophia Mercer. She is very relatable and humorous (whether she says something funny or she does something that you just cannot help but to laugh at). This book had me laughing a lot because of the quick-witted remarks. I love that about books. I also have to say that I am definitely on Team Archer. The romance within this series has potential. I am looking forward to what Rachel Hawkins will write next.

This book had me so enthralled that I read it in basically a day and the second I finished it, I had to go and by the second book. This book was a bit predictable, yet, not to where the ending completely threw me. This is a wonderfully written, fast paced, and easy read. Hex Hall has a little bit of everything in it-- mystery, love, heartache, friendship, finding self, humor, family and their issues, etc. It is definitely worth it to pick this book up and get an exciting and enchanting dose of bewitchment.