A review by susanatwestofmars
The Monsters We Defy by Leslye Penelope


What a FUN read.

Gonna be telling everyone to read this one (despite the freakish number of comma splices; yowch) because it's fun, it's thought-provoking, it's a great spin on an old take, it's a fun heist with great characters who all have real depth and pain and sorrow and who you want to spend more time with, especially given the ending and what happens. These people have gone through something that will change them, forever. I'm curious to know who they'll be now, and how hard it will settle into their new normal.

So why not a fifth star? Because it didn't blow me away the way a five-star read does. That doesn't mean it's not terrific. It just means it's not mind-blowingly terrific.

Pick this one up.