A review by popthebutterfly
The Night and the Land by Matt Spencer


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: The Night and The Land

Author: Matt Spencer

Book Series: Standalone as of now

Rating: 4/5

Recommended For...: urban fantasy lovers

Publication Date: May 13, 2019

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Recommended Age: 16+ (romance, gore, violence)

Publisher: Back Roads Carnival Books

Pages: 356

Synopsis: Among the local hippies and squatters of Brattleboro, Vermont, Sally Wildfire is on the run, hiding from her cruel, relentless family. She finds unexpected love with Rob, a bristly young man freshly awoken to alien sensations and ancestral memories of a long-forgotten realm...setting them both on a collision course with a brutal rite of passage, as the Wildfire family leaves a trail of mangled corpses on the road to Brattleboro.

Review: Overall, I really liked this book. I thought that the world building was really well done and the story was well detailed and entertaining. I really liked the plot as well and I was fully interested in the book from start to finish.

The only thing that I wish was a bit better was the character development, although it was good enough throughout the book.

Verdict: Well done book! Recommend!