A review by inkeater
Things No One Else Can Teach Us by Humble the Poet


This book reminds me of Quest Love's Book Creative Quest, where he discussed creativity and dissected it by sharing how other creatives work. While some can argue this book is a regurgitation of his last book. I beg to differ, I appreciate him diving deep into himself and putting himself on the platter. Sure, one can argue its egotistical, but I like to think we learn by example. I really appreciate the insight into the world of one creative mind and how despite all odds or how successful we become, we all have doubts. We all have worries. I appreciate the lessons he shared and the reminders he gave with the book and as a working artist I appreciate how he chose to put himself out there as the example and share his trials and tribulations. And just because something looks beautiful doesn't mean it isn't hard work and a mess.