A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
The Sky Inside by Clare B. Dunkle


I was a bit unsure about this book, because Dystopian has just been getting more and more generic, in my opinion. However, I still managed to really enjoy the Sky Inside.

It's not a rip-off of Hunger Games, first of all, which I appreciated. I haven't read anything very similar to the Sky Inside, well, ever. It was also full of unexpected twists and turns, and unpredictability is something that I love in books!

The setting was not extremely unique, but it was unique for a dystopian. Basically, the people live in a 'suburb' where all the houses are the same. This is the part that I thought wasn't too new. But after that it gets a bit more interesting. For example, people don't have to work anymore. School is dumbed down, and Peter Pan is now a business man fighting a law firm. (And, as a huge Peter Pan fan, I can assure you that nothing says 'oppressive government' like changing Peter Pan into a business man.)

I loved Chip. He was such a cool dog, and I wasn't expecting to like him as much as I did. He's a robot, and I usually don't like reading about robots too much, but you can't help but love Chip. He's loyal, funny, and rather adorable.

I was a bit confused at first, because I hadn't realized there was a sequel when I finished, and the ending didn't feel fully complete. So I looked it up, and there is a sequel! Yay!

I would recommend this to fans of Dystopian, particularly Uglies.

This review can be found on: http://myfullbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com/