A review by antonism
Legend by David Gemmell


3 / 5

[I had written a lengthy and very detailed review about my opinion of this book. It was probably around a thousand words. Just before the end, the power went off for 1 second and I lost it... (it will teach me to always write in Word from now on - autosave FTW). I will and can not write it again and I'm seriously angry about that. What those many paragraphs said was the following:]

characterization - bad, unrealistic & cliched - women portrayal even worse
pacing - fast and good enough for such a book
plot - acceptable but with several idiotic moments and a lot of unjustified ones
writing - a bit cringe-inducing at times, I'd say not good enough, especially with today's fantasy standards

My opinion is that if I had read this book when I was a teenager 20 years ago, I would have probably liked it much more. But I've grown as a person and as a reader and so has the whole genre of fantasy literature. This is not good enough any more for me. I'm not saying don't read it, just know that this is pretty much base traditional fantasy and not of the good quality. Later Gemmell books are much better and I would recommend those instead of this one.

3 / 5