A review by aejohnson85
No Offense by Meg Cabot


To put it kindly, this book was awful. No offense (pun intended). I wish I had stopped when it wasn’t connecting with me at the beginning but I had hopes it might get better. It didn’t.

I really enjoyed the Heather Wells series written by Cabot but this was not enjoyable - the dialogue didn’t seem real, the two main characters were just suddenly in love after not liking one another....and Molly? Franky the worst part of the book. She was judgmental and constantly meddling/interfering in police investigations. She also has no character development or characterization other than she’s a librarian - she loves books. At one point we are told she is wearing a scarf - printed with books of course (as if a librarian is not allowed to wear any other print)!

Overall, not an enjoyable read at all - one dimensional characters, stereotypes galore and the ending? Yeesh.