A review by amgs90
Finding Eden by Mia Sheridan


5 STARS!!!

I have no words to describe how perfect this story is. It's so complex, so complete, so beautiful and tragic...

Mia has a way with destiny. It makes you believe that there are truly people destined to be together, and things are mean to happen so everything falls into place.

I loved every second of this book as much as the first one. I'm glad the author released both books at them same time, and she divided the story, because you can clearly see a huge change between both books and I think it was necessary to separate them.

This was the perfect conclusion for this amazing journey. It's perfectly written, and I couldn't stop my feeling from being all over the place. Every question was answered, taking it's time, the pace was perfect, the timing so right. I liked the secondary characters we get to know here, and the way everything was explained made me live every situation along with them

I fell even more in love with Calder, and I adored his relationship with Calder.

Mia Sheridan is no doubt one of my favorite characters and I can't wait to read more from her. I loved all her books so far, and each time she gets better and better. This time around she risked a lot by creating this kind of scenario and background story, but in my opinion she succeed.

Everyone should read this wonderful and beautiful love story, so unique and full of everything, it will leave you breathless and satisfied and amazed.