A review by janae126
Devotion: a memoir by Dani Shapiro


Yo. Her struggles spoke to me, and I’m fairly certain that has skewed my overall rating and perception of the book as a whole.

Everyone is looking for a way to quiet the mind, find meaning, blah blah etc. I liked how she wrote her truth as it pertained to her “present day” as well as different times throughout her past. She was ultimately searching for what Judiasm meant to her. Not, a quest to become more in touch with her religion, but to use it to help guide her to find more peace. Which, we could all use some more of, no? I also appreciated that she undertook this quest while not neglecting her family, rather being mindful of them, and trying to include them where she saw fit.

Maybe a 4 - 4.5? Skewed slightly for its relatability, which isn’t a bad thing.

I really enjoyed the format of varied length “sections.”
I may or may not be more interested in Jewish culture now, not because I am Jewish, rather because I am not.
“Yoga donuts” better have not forever ruined yoga for me….