A review by millennialbookreview
Fallout by Todd Strasser


I don't know what this book was meant to be. Parts of it read like a Middle Grade novel, but other parts are too graphic, too mature to not be young adult at the least. The subject matter and the premise hint at one thing, but the final product is something else entirely. The story is told alternating between two periods in time: the months leading up to a nuclear attack and the days following the attack as characters in a bomb shelter try to survive. Neither timeline is particularly interesting or has a compelling plot, and I finished the book feeling as though nothing happened. I kept reading, expecting a twist, which never came. The characters got on my nerves as well, as they weren't particularly well-written. The prose was the thing that stood out to me about this book. The author gave vivid, detailed, at times graphic, descriptions of the conditions in the bomb shelter which made the story immersive.