A review by talonvictoria
Beautiful Burn by Jamie McGuire


Man. I'm one of those people who gets way too excited over a new Maddox brother book. Travis Maddox was my first ever book boyfriend, but these last two books...shake my head.

Ellie was just terrible. All the way through. I don't even think she ever got redemption to me. And in turn, Tyler was terrible because of her. By far my least favorite brother. I didn't spark one single connection or interest to any character in this book. And Paige? Really? I stayed confused and suffering from whiplash for a majority of this book. Ellison was not a character I wanted to read about. I had no desire in her nor did I want to. And that just sucks.

The story has a huge time span but feels like everything happens way too fast and way too soon. The story didn't even give me a chance to digest one thing that was happening at the current time before something else was thrown in the mix very sloppily.

When you read books you're supposed to get lost in them. Lose track of time. I was aware of every single second spent reading this book. Every second.

I'm glad this is done. I'm glad there are no more Maddox brothers books because quite frankly at this rate I don't know they can get any better.