A review by kerveros
A Time for Everything by Mysti Parker


Disclaimer: I got this book free and was asked to review it in return.

I generally find that books I receive for free in return for a review tend to either be okay or not so okay - it is rare I come across one that I generally find to be good. I'm glad to say this is one of the rarer ones - this is a pretty darn good book.

Although not my favourite genre I do, at times, like a good historical romance and I admit that I do quite like those set in the US in times long gone by (Wild West/Pioneer/Civil War etcetera). I've therefore read a few books in this kinda time period - I was concerned that this book might feel too modern (a concern I often have with historical romances) but the author did a great job and apart from a couple of moments (far too many mentions of a sore rear end!) this felt pretty in-keeping with the time period.

I admit, I wasn't a fan of the ending. Without spoiling the plot of the book with exact information I will say that you have a climatic moment followed by a happy one (which would be perfect to end upon and then go straight to the prologues
marriage and birth of child 2 (or 3 I suppose depending on how you look at it)
), then another climactic moment, then another, and then some more... and then the endings. It just felt a bit... "oh of course" to me - the book could have ended a good 20 odd pages earlier and the last climatic acts aren't needed - they aren't really tying up any plot points in my opinion but seem to be there just for added tension. My issue with that is - this is a historical romance, it's going to end well so why try and make the reader think it won't - especially when you've already resolved the real 'sticking point' between the leads?

That said, this is a very good book and the fault above is common to many authors. I enjoyed reading this and would certainly read other books by this author.