A review by shane_tiernan
Troika! Numinous Edition by Daniel Sell


There's a whole lot to like here. The fabulously original art, cool stack initiative mechanic, the fun writing, the surreal character backgrounds, the extremely creative mini adventure etc... With all that though, it's probably a little too strange for a lot of people (including me) and there are a couple things I didn't like. Still giving it 5 stars for originality, style and chutzpah.

I'll add more detail about 2 things I didn't like and the 2 things I liked the most.

The system only uses d6's. I didn't spend 40 years and 10's of dollars collecting all these pretty dice just to use the same ones I used playing Monopoly and Risk when I was 8. I do like how they use them to do the 11-66 thing, but really d6's are just boring.

The magic system, has some fun spells, but not enough detail. For example one breaks bones, but it doesn't really say how that effects the game. It doesn't say how much damage it does to break a bone, or if it makes certain skills impossible or gives penalties etc... Then there's a permanent polymorph other spell, that's not really that expensive.

When I first read the initiative rules, I was screaming inside, "What is this? Why would they do that?" Obviously so was someone else, because immediately after it, there's a section called "Rationale", and after I read that I was like, "This is SOOOOO cool." Basically the order changes and sometimes people get skipped, you don't know ahead of time, so you can "meta-plan" your next move.

The mini adventure was such a cool idea. You're in a hotel going up on an elevator. At every floor there is a new challenge. I've never seen anything like it, yet it was so simple. Just absolutely brilliant.

So if you like weird pushed to the point of silly, but also kinda dark and cool, give this a try. It's medium crunch, with an extra helping of style.