A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
An Ambush of Tigers: A Wild Gathering of Collective Nouns by Betsy Rosenthal, Jago


Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley.

I don’t have children, but I am so buying this book.
I have had to tell people of ages 18-20 or older what exactly a doe, a bitch, a stud, and a stag among other words mean.
I should make this book required reading.
In a short and brilliantly illustrated book, Betsy R. Rosenthal and Jago, let children (and adults for that matter) know various terms for mobs of animals. The poetry and the illustrations are perfectly matched. Silly rhymes with brilliantly done artwork, Rosenthal and Jago actually ensure the reader will remember what they are teaching.
There is even a glossary in the back.
I love this book.