A review by crowyhead
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels by Arthur Conan Doyle


A Study in Scarlet (4/5)

This novel describes Holmes and Watson's first meeting, with Watson being at first unsure what exactly his new roommate does for a living. The mystery itself wasn't one of my favorites; parts of it struck me as a bit contrived, and the long flashback that takes place in Utah and doesn't involve Holmes or Watson bored me a little.

The Sign of Four (5/5)

This is a really good one, if quite short. There's lots of exotic stuff (stolen treasure! a Pygmy who shoots poisoned darts!) and some great deducing by everyone's favorite detective.

The Hound of the Baskervilles (5/5)

My favorite of the Holmes novels. This one is still good even if you know how it ends, and offers some pleasantly shivery moments, what with spectral hounds howling on the moors and such.

The Valley of Fear (4/5)

I have mixed feelings about this one. In a lot of ways it seems like a short story that was padded out with a flashback (much like A Study in Scarlet), and I found the end a bit depressing and dissatisfying. On the other hand, the interaction between Holmes and Watson at the beginning of the novel is wonderful, with Holmes coming off as almost playful in his teasing of Watson.