A review by misterintensity
Batman Vol. 1: I Am Gotham (Rebirth) by Tom King


Tom King's first Batman storyline has an intriguing premise, Batman expanding his reaching by training two Superman power level heroes to protect Gotham, but failed in the execution. Decompression reared its ugly head again. This was a six issue story but there was just enough to fill an Silver Age Batman or Superman 13 pager. In addition to this story being painfully slow, it seems like "I Am Gotham" was more a collection of cool moments than a cohesive story. Yeah Batman trying to save passengers on an airplane with no superpowers and whatever he has at hand is cool but that's something that should have taken a page or two at most not an entire issue. Plus some of these moments just strained suspension of disbelief. It is hard to get invested in what's going on plus Gotham and Gotham Girl have no real personality, which makes it hard to care what happens to them. Overall this is one big step down from Scott Snyder's run.