A review by thebobsphere
Best British Short Stories 2019 by Sally Jubb, Elizabeth Baines, Kieran Devaney, Naomi Booth, Melissa Wan, Robert Mason, Ren Watson, Nigel Humphreys, Ann Quin, Sam Thompson, Vicky Grut, Lucie McKnight Hardy, Nicholas Royle, Julia Armfield


The short story is an odd thing. Due to the brevity, one cannot go into a lot of detail, yet a well crafted short story can have a punch that will stay with you. Thus, technically speaking publishing an anthology with the word ‘best’ in it, should contain a ton of punchy stories.

Spoiler it does.

The 20 short pieces in this collection are excellent. There’s a great range as well. Ranging from the weird (Paul McQuade’s A Gift of Tongues, Sally Jubb’s The Arrangement) , some ‘slice of life’ stories Lucie McKnight Hardy’s Badgerface and Sally Booth’s Cluster) and eyebrow raising (Ann Quin – Nude and Seascape, Vesna Main’s A hair Clasp). I can guarantee that there isn’t a dull moment.

Did I have favourites? Although the quality is high, there were quite a few I felt stood out. John Lanchester’s reality, which delves into the psyche of reality tv show participants is clever. Melissa Wan’s The Husband and the Wife go to the Seaside is a perfect opener and Adam Welch’s Toxic satirises youth culture and internet fads made me laugh guiltily.

An amazing short story can make one appreciate the amount of craft that goes into creating a tiny contained world. In this anthology you’ll see how it is an art form. 20 times over.