A review by biancarosesmith
Blood Kin by Ronald Kelley, Ronald Kelly


I'm really enjoying Kelly's writing and Blood Kin was no exception. Blood Kin is what you need if you're after old school Southern vampire horror with lots of gore. If you enjoy these elements then you're going to have a good time!

I loved that this felt like more of a traditional vampire story. There were no strange spins or takes on vampires and it felt I was reading a great 80s horror film. There were certainly unique aspects to this story though, so don't interpret my words as it being boring. It also sets a great pace throughout and there was plenty of suspense.

The story grabs you from the start when it opens to Dud Craven stumbling upon his long lost relative Papa Josiah Craven who has been taking an extended slumber with a stake in his chest. No big deal. Being the good relative he is Dud removes the stake and discovers there may have been good reason for it being there in the first place. Dud as a character had me wondering if there was a brain or any common sense in that head of his. At least it was entertaining!

I'll keep this short and sweet but putting it simply if you enjoy traditional vampire stories such as Salems Lot then you'll love this one. Bonus enjoyment if you read it in Autumn.

Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of Blood Kin in exchange for an honest review.