A review by flaviathebibliophile
Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova


Since the prequel to this book, Labyrinth Lost (you can read my review for it here), came out almost two years ago, I ended up falling behind on reading this book because I had to re-read the last third of the first one, haha. But that’s okay, because re-reading the ending of Labyrinth Lost reminded me how much I had wanted to find out more about the characters and the world! There something very pleasant about reading two or more books in a series simultaneously. With Bruja Born I was very happy to get the story from Lula’s perspective, since she really intrigued me in the first book. I really wanted to spend more time with Alex’s family (in particular, her sisters), and I got my wish! It was also nice to see the character development happening with characters that I knew from Labyrinth Lost, and also those who got more of the spotlight in Bruja Born.

Córdova also gives us a lot more details about where the brujas live (Brooklyn), as well as their gods and practices and beliefs. The plot for this book was a little less predictable for me than that of Labyrinth Lost (although, don’t get me wrong, that book kept me guessing too)! I wasn’t sure how things would go, and who would live or die, and I tried very hard not to get too attached to any characters. I, of course, failed at that though, which made this book quite the emotional roller coaster for me! I definitely recommend reading this book if you’ve read Labyrinth Lost want want to see where life takes everyone going forward, I also recommend this series as a whole to those who haven’t picked up, or heard of, either book yet! It was dark and magical goodness!