A review by balthazarlawson
The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty


"Tell me you’re not a maverick, Duffy."
"I’m not, sir."

That was a lie and sums up Duffy. To be a catholic member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) serving and living in a protestant area of Northern Ireland in 1981 you have to be a maverick.

The setting of this book is what makes this a very interesting and tense read. In Northern Ireland what passing for normal live is a tense and terror filled existence. Where just going to work means you could be blown up by a car bomb. Against this background Detective Sergeant Sean Duffy investigates the murder of a man, that for once, does not appear to be sectarian motivated. Not an easy task when the police are not trusted by anyone and no one is willing to openly assist with their enquiries. But being a maverick, Duffy persists to the end, despite the danger the investigation places him in. And just to make thinks even more interesting, he doesn’t accept that a girl found hanging the woods killed herself.

All in all I really enjoyed this and highly recommend.