A review by rachitsingh
Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto


To be honest, I had no clue about the plot or anything related, but was hopeful for an interesting story given the fact that it is written by the masterful writer of True Detective. And I was not disappointed at all; it was thoroughly engaging and carefully constructed. I realised along the way that making assumptions of what could happen in the story was pointless because the story was wreathed in a way as complicated as the lives of our characters. Roy Cady, the protagonist and narrator is a character so deftly created by Pizzolatto that you cannot help but empathise with him and get hooked, wanting to hear his story until the end...and beyond.

In the beginning I thought it would be a mysterious story similar to TD, but it was not like that at all, however, mysterious all the same. Though there are certainly some themes that are relatable one of them being the ending, which marks a closure similar to the last scene between Rust and Marty in Season 1. There is a brilliant usage of literary tropes here and especially the chapter endings almost always left me with an *ahhh, wow* feeling or sometimes just *gasp* and recapitulate what I had just read.