A review by br33na
The Element of Fire by Martha Wells


Well Written, But Just Too Dry For Me

I can't believe how much of a DNF streak I am on right now, but thankfully this in no way reflects on the author or anything problematic in the book. I picked this up after enjoying Between Worlds, Wells' short story collection that tie to this and another series, and feeling the need to check the novels out. I will absolutely still be checking out the other series for sure.

Unfortunately, despite being well-written and being set in an interesting world, I just found the narrative too dry and the characters too hard to latch on to for me personally. I haven't read a lot of political intrigue and needing to be emotionally hooked and/ or invested in characters or events are all subjective factors in my not getting along with this. Not to mention my severe ADHD and diminished capacity due to the state of my mental and chronic health at the moment.

While I can't necessarily recommend it, I also wouldn't put anyone off trying it out, especially with it being in the Audible Included library with a bunch of Wells' other books. As I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed Between Worlds and I has a lot of fun with my cyborg sinking in autism, Murder bot. This just wasn't my cup of tea.