A review by teenytinylibrary
The Amazing Crafty Cat by Charise Mericle Harper


Birdie is just a girl, a girl who bakes cupcakes and goes to school and has BIRTHDAYS. Birdie does have a secret though - she's secretly CRAFTY CAT! A cat who can craft just about anything from just about anything! When Birdie's birthday break surprise is accidentally ruined, she knows just who to turn to to make everything better.

I'm not sure who this book is intended for. It reads like a first to third grade graphic novel, but it's a little disjointed for that. I had no idea that Crafty Cat was a girl and had to go back and re-read a bit before I realized that Birdie and Crafty Cat were the same person. Harper crammed a lot into this one volume - Birdie's secret identity, her birthday, her relationships with her friends/Anya, parents, etc. It was a lot to take in in a little bit of time. While the art was stellar for little girls who love crafts, the writing could be greatly tightened up, focusing on one issue of Birdie's before introducing something else. I like the idea and hope that future volumes are more coherent.

My copy courtesy of Netgalley and First Second Books.