A review by starsfan56
Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon


felt scattered reading it

I can't say I enjoyed this book. I really wanted to based on the description and all the reviews I read about it. But gotta say I feel a bit misled by all the high reviews.

This book definitely had a lot of action. It also had a lot of repetition. And it did indeed have a heroine that was TSTL. I'm sorry, she was. I guess one of the biggest flaws I felt with her was that she was very concerned about her missing cousin, going by his home several times, going in, looking thru his stuff. But she never went by his work! I get that maybe she might not get in, but I'm not sure because she never tried, and we were never told she couldn't. So I kept waiting for her to go there but she didn't.

Now it's only big omission to me simply because of some,of the other things she does. She keeps close friends with her uncles secretary so she gets the scoop on him. That's resourceful and smart. Why wouldn't she try to find her cousins coworkers or boss when she's that concerned?

Next, I was really flummoxed by the way the first chapter was about the hero on a mission, then chapter two was about our hero and heroine making out, then the next chapter was about the hero going into his work office to discuss the mission. Just really bad flow between paragraphs and I was floored to be dumped into an already active relationship. That's not a spoiler, that's the way the book begins.

Finally it was difficult to get a handle on both the cousin and the uncles characters and motivations. I'm still struggling with the cousin, after the story lol has been told. I'm still struggling with the bad guys motivations, just didn't seem realistic. More whiny than scary.

Can't recommend.