A review by rachelb36
Dreaming in Hindi: Coming Awake in Another Language by Katherine Russell Rich


3.25 stars

I quite enjoyed this book, but it definitely isn't for everyone. Kathy Rich, the author, writes about a year she spent in Udaipur, India, learning Hindi and being immersed in the local culture. Because she shares a lot about her friends and interactions, this is part memoir; but she also did a lot of research into second language acquisition (SLA), and shares insights from her research, as well. These bits were my favorite.

There are a lot of problems with the book, however, which is why it's not for everyone. First and foremost, the writing is incredibly strange; I don't know if the author was perhaps using Hindi syntax, with English words, on purpose, to illustrate some of the points she makes about SLA; if this happened on accident because of her immersion (I can testify that losing your grip on your first language while being immersed in a second is common); or if this is simply the way she writes. Regardless, it's very difficult and confusing to read at times and an editor should have addressed that.

Rich also mentions so many different people and situations, often without depth, that it was difficult to keep everyone straight. The book is too long, in general; again, a good editor could have helped to tighten (and shorten) the story.

I personally connected with the book because I'm living abroad, learning a second language and adjusting to this other culture and language that will never be completely mine. I was able to push past the frustrating parts because of this personal motivation. I wouldn't recommend this book to someone who isn't very interested/invested in learning about second language acquisition by way of immersion; there just wouldn't be enough reason to read all the way through.

Note: There is some profanity and sexual references.