A review by eskaywai
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien


my favorite by far. 6 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

at this point, it’s just a tradition of mine to get repeatedly blown away by tolkien.

return of the king shares the same format as two towers, splitting the book in half, and taking the time to focus solely on a certain group of characters’ povs. this time however, i was fully engaged for the entire thing.

while it was PAINFULLLL to wait to see how sam and frodo’s story played out, the book made up for that by having some of the most incredible action and character work in the first half. eowyn is a standout character. i love that woman. “no living man am i” LIKE HECK YES GIRLIE TELL HIM. obsessed. anyways. i may be getting a bit excited here.

i also MAYYYY have sobbed for a good 10 minutes when i got to the end. i am not ashamed to say so. middle-earth means so much to me, and its characters (especially sam. what, i had to say it) mean even more. can’t wait to reread and reread again.