A review by lindsayslittlelibrary
After by Anna Todd

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
I’m DNFing. I listened to 4 hours of the audiobook and can’t keep going. I know this book/series is very popular. I’ve seen the first movie on Netflix. I didn’t particularly enjoy it, but after a friend recommended the book I thought I’d give it a try. This book is just really not for me. It is a dumpster fire of teenage drama, which can be entertaining, but I’m too old for this particular brand of teenage drama. I also hate the cheating trope with a burning passion. It’s not that much better in movies, but in books you get to know all of their thoughts and I just think Tessa’s a bad person haha. Harden is not an appealing character either. I’ve heard this was originally a Wattpad story and I can tell. It’s not written well and everything is really one dimensional. I know there are some really well done stories on Wattpad so I’m surprised this took off the way it did.