A review by mgmaliska
Beyond the Ruby Veil, by Mara Fitzgerald


Disturbing, dark tale with a take no shit lead

Dark and twisted, this is the sort of story where you don’t really like the main character but you sure as hell respect her determination. She’s a stone cold bitch in the truest sense of the word — she gets work done. No one is as powerful as she is, and how could they be? She can do anything, including discover new worlds, destroy lives, defy fate, and take no shit from anyone.

This book was good, fast paced, but overall felt sloppy. I never really knew where the story line was going as the reader stumbles along the path of discovery with the characters.

I do love that the main characters are clearly gay (with one being fully out) and that it’s the type of story where there is no true hero or villain — everyone is both bad and good.

I did not like that the main character is so cruel and vicious to her best friend but, hey, story building right?

Overall, I’d read this again as it was a fun quick read but surely a disturbing one — be warned.