A review by beth_books_123
The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing by Hannah Dawson



I think I need to start with a disclaimer. It has been a long while since I've studied feminism. I first began to understand what feminism was as a teenager. I'd heard of the idea but I'd never really understood until much later. I only formally was taught feminism as I studied Language and Gender at A Level as part of my English Language A Level. Reflecting on it now, a lot of my education was seriously outdated.

In this review, it's important to admit ignorance and accept privilege. I had never thought about or been introduced to the multi facets behind feminism. What was it like for friends of colour, LQBTQA+, those of a different class from me, those who lived elsewhere? I honestly didn't think about that in depth until much later. This is where I accept my priveleged position - how nice it must be to be naive to the struggles of these groups within feminism? This book confronts this immediately in the introductory essay by the editor Hannah Dawson and this introduction sets the book up to show the reader the full ranges of feminism.

Now, the thing I love about collections is that you don't need to look for the range, it's already there. Yes, sometimes, it is limited to the editor's bias and their understanding but so far I've enjoyed these collections. It also goes in chronological order, which satisfies me. Completely unrelated to the subject matter, I recommend [b:The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories|36349572|The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories|Jay Rubin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1518335097l/36349572._SY75_.jpg|58031212].

The extract from Kishida Toshiko's Daughters in Boxes was the most poignant piece for me.
I'll definitely return to this collection. This is one of those books you come back to.

Note - I kind of wish I'd bought this in a physical format. I wouldn't recommend getting the Kindle version. It's difficult to make notes and stop.