A review by taylorreadsbooks
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


“My dad said that the impossible is only impossible if you don’t even try. So I want to try.”

This book was so much fun! It is the ultimate geek girl meets fairytale retelling. I am a sucker for a cinderella story, add in nerdy fandoms and its a dream come true!

Danielle Whittimer is a classic cinderella. Her father has died leaving her with her annoyingly awful Stepmother Catherine and her equally terrible stepsisters Chloe and Calliope in good old Charleston, South Carolina. Her days are spent doing what Catherine tell her to do and working at the awful vegan food truck The Magic Pumpkin (ya see what she did there?!). Elle is very very into Starfield. She and her late father would watch the show together when she was growing up. Her father loved Starfield and cosplay so much that he founded a con called ExcelsiCon. Elle stopped going to ExcelsiCon after her dad died, her stepmother hates all things nerd. But this year there is a cash prize for winning the cosplay contest. Elle could really use that cash to finally escape from her stepfamily.

Darien Freeman is a Prince. Well.. he plays one in the new Starfield reboot. But getting to be the character of his dreams isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Footage of filming keeps getting leaked, die hard fans don’t think he can pull of playing such an esteemed character and he just found out his dad/agent is forcing him to appear on a panel at ExcelsiCon – the last place he want to be. The only bright spot in his days is getting to text the stranger from the convention directors office. Elle.

I loved both of these characters. I loved the con. I loved Elle’s budding friendship with Sage her coworker at the magic pumpkin. I loved Franko the weenie dog. I loved the ending that we all know and love and I love how it was presented in such a dorky way. This book is a love letter to all the nerds and geeks and dreamers. This was a cute and easy read and I highly recommend it!