A review by gmancam
The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan


This book highlights some of the key aspects of this series that I love and also dislike. Thankfully the pros outweigh the cons.

I'm certainly starting to become a fan of Rand now with how his character was handled this time around. It's nice having him centre stage and carrying a book for the most part. Nyneave and some of the other super bossy and borderline sexist women were also taken down a peg or two as they went through their own trials and had their characters developed for the better. Mat continues to be one of my favs, gotta love how this man always ends up being a hero despite his refusals.

I got the usual complants; romance bits that make my eyes roll, writing they can be repetitive and boring at times, etc. My biggest criticism this time around is far too much time was spent on moments like the circus, while choosing to offscreen the final battle of an antagonist that was being set up since the previous book. Felt like a major disservice not only to the characters involved, but also to the reader being robbed of what is supposed to be an iconic moment. Robert Jordan however makes up for this though with some of the most epic and satisfying moments in the series yet.