A review by shell74
Delirious by Marie Force


Quickie Review...

Actual Rating: 4.5 Stars

I'm a big fan of the series and have enjoyed all the couples we've met. But...Aileen & Kristian hold a special place in my heart after reading Delirious. And not just because I can commiserate with Aileen's breast cancer struggles, having been through it myself. Nope. It was the sweet, touching connection that grew between the couple, along with Kristian being a tortured hero I just wanted to help. Yes, it happened fast between them--almost inta-lust/love--but it was addressed in the book and I was personally fine with that. I've seen that some readers took issue with Kristian being unsure of himself deserving love and affection. I honestly found it rather refreshing for it to be the hero who had those doubts instead of the heroine as we typically see. And given his horrific past, I think Kristian was written in a convincing manner in regard to his doubts.

A beautiful relationship between two deserving people. Adorable kids. And the camaraderie between the Quantum group fans adore. Delirious was a heartfelt story that dabbled in light BDSM but mostly focused on the all-encompassing romance between Aileen and Kristian.