A review by virago
Torchwood: In the Shadows by Joseph Lidster


Very good story! This was creepy as hell! They toyed with the idea of afterlife in the show and their version doesn't sit well with me. Nothingness is one thing, but being alone in darkness is something else entirely. Yikes!

But in this, not only did they mention afterlife, but hell. Clearly it was a man-made hell, but still...Spooky. And very much like I'd imagine hell to be.

The story was great, freightening even. The characters were spot-on; their interactions with one another as well as non-team members reminded me so much of the show.

Jack endured more torture, which I have come to expect from both Torchwood and especially Whoverse. But what made seeing him suffer bearable was the fact that Ianto was suffering right along with him. Suffering enough to risk everything to save him, or die with him. They didn't show enough of this side of their relationship on the show, but I always imagined it would be like this. One falling to pieces after losing the other.[spoilers if you haven't watched the whole show!]

We saw how Jack went to pieces after losing Ianto! He sacrificed his grandson and then left the planet entirely. Some like to say that Jack didn't care for Ianto as much as Ianto cared for him, but that's just not true. Jack loved him, and broke him when Ianto died. But I digress (as usual), this was a great story and Eve Myles read it beautifully.