A review by taisie22
The Bride Wore Scarlet by Liz Carlyle


Anais de Rohan has been trained to become a member of a secret paranormal society. After some to-do (the members don't permit females to enter), she is teamed up with Geoff, Lord Bessett, to go to Brussels to rescue a child who has paranormal abilities. Of course, the two have a sexual attraction, but Anais is sure that she is going to marry a Tuscan prince based on a Tarot reading done by her grandmother. So Geoff is Mr. Right-for-now and the two fall into bed while trying to complete their mission.
Liz Carlyle is kind of hit or miss with me and unfortunately, this book was a miss. Anais was kind of bratty and Geoff was a bit of a stiff. I could have gotten past that if they had grown together more, but this was another romance that seemed based strictly on the sex and not much else.