A review by darkromancer_reader
A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️.5/5

A Soul to Keep is the first book in the Dusk Walker Brides series and was a very fun monster romance that kept me on the edge of my seat. I have learned that I am a huge fan of monstrous MMC's and this is a perfect example of a story I didn't expect to like as much as I did. Yes, his head is a deer skull, does that bother me, absolutely not.
With stories like this it feels fun to be able to explore the mind of a creature that doesn't exist, and  I think that Opal did this in a way that made sense and still kept me engaged as a reader.Orpheus is super fun, and I love the creativity that it took in order to conjure up this creature and make him adorable. I also enjoy Reia, she felt real throughout the story, even though there were many moments I was like, why aren't you doing something. I could still feel like they were realistic. Also they are much more of a freeze in fear type of person while I am a flight and fight person personally. Let's just say, I would not be alive if I ended up in this tale.
The plot is also where this story shines. I was engrossed in the story most of the time, and the world building felt natural and not slow as I typically feel when it comes to fantasy stories. I felt like learning more of the world felt like an easter egg hunt and naturally came up through the different beats of the story. I also deeply enjoyed how everything came together in the end. There were a lot of things that I didn't think would be relevant and when I got to the end of the story.
Overall, I think if you are looking for something to help expand your romance, and you are looking for something very different, or looking for a starter monster romance, I think this one is a good one to go with. It’s a a fun story with a great plot, and it really gets you associated with the world of monsters in a way that it doesn't just dive into the romance but really builds the trust and world around the characters.
Also the Copy of A Soul to Keep was so beautiful, I think this is one of my prettiest and most prized special editions that I have. I love this story and was so glad to have a beautiful copy to now display on my shelves.