A review by wikiweaponn
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police by Milo Yiannopoulos, Vox Day


Yes, yes they do. This is a book right after my own heart, filled with anti-SJW savagery and logical analysis of why these people are the way they are. It's quite clear this is only written for people with the capacity for logical thought (those who can remove emotion from an argument). One need on,y to read the most commented on review on Goodreads to see how spot on this book is.

In it, the """reviewer""" proclaims he hasn't read the book, and has dismissed it because of its title alone. What follows is his scathing review not of the book, but of the author's character and the nature of anti-SJW culture as they see it. The irony that this reviewer's tactics are lifted almost perfectly from the book is hilarious.

I don't expect that any SJW would read, much less understand anything in this book. This is fantastic for any 'normal' person to read though, as it can protect you from an SJW attack. Being the victim of such an attack that caused me to lose a job, I can appreciate this book even more so - it's as the title states - I lost my job over a lie. Saddle up, shitlords. The battle is just beginning.

Fuck SJWs, and fuck the liberals and institutions that support them. 3.5/5