A review by thisisgettingstupid999
Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris


It’s Gone Girl meets Rebecca in this tale of boy meets girl, boy treats girl badly, girl disappears, boy meets girl’s sister. Now, it looks like (first) girl may be back, or is someone trying to mess up his relationship with her sister?
This has an interesting set up but, unfortunately, I’ve read a lot of this type of book and found the ‘twist’ pretty obvious. I had it largely worked it out before I was halfway through the book , which meant there was an awful lot of ‘what does it all mean? ‘ kind of musing to wade through.
Spoiler I do wish that fewer psychological thrillers were plotted around someone being crazy. And in this book, who’s the craziest? The woman who adopts the personalities of her dead loved ones? The man who beats his loved ones up?
The denouement is unconvincing – what’s all that about the peat bog? – spelling out what we already knew with a few unlikely embellishments. (After an extensive search for Layla, police were unable to find the driver of a car in the area because they believed it was a man and in fact, it was a woman! Back to cop school for you lot!)

I think the success of this book relies on how quickly you understand what’s going on. So, if you’re a smart-arse-seen-it-all-before kind of reader it might not be for you. Nevertheless, I found it a light, entertaining read with an interesting use of Russian dolls.
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Net Galley for this ARC.