A review by nexttotheblues
Ugly Girls by Lindsay Hunter


Really well-written. For a book that bounces between character perspectives, they were all completely different and fleshed out and very human. A couple phrases seemed repeated too many times to describe the same thing (stale beer is yeasty. I get it.)

This book felt unlike anything I've ever read before. It was about people you wouldn't normally read about, or at least I've never come across a book about young white teen girl thugs. Hunter made the characters each ugly in their own way, on the inside, or metaphorically, or in one case very straightforwardly. One of the best metaphors (if it's that) I've ever read for self-loathing is Hunter's description of smell.

As this one is about teens, I think it's pretty safe to say this one could easily appeal to teenagers. It would hopefully serve as more of a cautionary tale. Hunter's writing does a good job explaining the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind acting out and living dangerously for no reason.